Floriana Barbu. Fotograf roman. Nascuta in 2 februarie 1965. Locuieste in Deva. Specializata in fine-arts: fotografie artistica, prelucrare digitala a imaginilor, grafician 3D, editor video. portofoliu: Floriana Barbu/photo.net portofoliu: Floriana Barbu/Getty Images
Floriana Barbu. “I live and work in Deva, Transilvania, Romania. I have a university degree, I graduated from the Politechnic University as an energetics engineer, but I have worked not one single day as an engineer. I had had all kinds of jobs until 3D software was invented. I have been working as a graphic designer for twelve years. Five years ago I got a small compact Kodak camera as a gift from my husband and I have been working as a photographer ever since. Photography ranks first among the things I enjoy doing. For the time being, I am working with a Canon EOS 5D Mark II camera. I have two kinds of works: photos that I do not edit in Photoshop or I edit very little and photos that I edit quite a lot, I make some sort of a digital collage using several photos and pictures that I paint digitally. Sometimes I paint my photos by hand. In my photos or in my digital collages, I like creating a certain atmosphere, which I can imagine and feel before I start working. If I manage to get close to what I wanted, I am satisfied.”
Very beautiful art, makes me happy and dreamy❤️
Greetings from Canada! I’m trying to contact Floriana Barbu regarding publishing one of her photographs in a journal which goes to press in a 2 weeks. Might you have an email address for her? Thank you and sending wishes for goodness and health!